Join Us Sundays at Davidson Academy

1414 Old Hickory Blvd, 37207

Worship @ 10AM


Dive into community & the Bible! Explore Community Groups, Discipleship Groups, and Education Groups.

Sermon Audio

Catch up on recent sermons from the Gospel of John, 2 Chronicles, and more.

Sermon Guides

Follow along personally or in a small group with our Sermon Guides, built for reflection and discussion.

Service Times

Sundays, 10 am @ Davidson Academy

1414 Old Hickory Blvd,
Nashville TN, 37207

Loving and Following Jesus

…with our Minds

Faith and the mind are not enemies. We love and follow Jesus by “being transformed by the renewal of our minds” as we study and investigate the Bible, think carefully about our world, and understand ourselves better as we grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

…with our Hearts

The glory of God is his beauty and holiness, displayed and enjoyed. We see his glory most clearly at the cross, where Jesus died for the sins of his people and gave us his life and righteousness. As we experience the love of God in his word and through his people, our hearts are “tuned to sing his praise.”

… with our Hands

The hands of Jesus blessed children, healed the blind and the lame, and were pierced with nails. As the body of Christ, we now use our hands to love and follow Jesus. Cooking a meal, replacing a water heater, baptizing a child, opening our wallets, and raising our hands in prayer to receive from God by faith — these are the hands of the body of Christ.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
— Jesus, Matthew 22:37–39

Visit Christ Church

Sundays, at 10am

1414 Old Hickory Blvd, “Davidson Academy”
Nashville, TN, 37207


Do you have kids?

We love having kids in service! There are classes for 0–Kindergarten as well, but feel free to bring kids of any age to service as you see fit.

What is the Worship Service Like?

of all ages are welcomed and included in the worship service. We love having them, and the pastors include a kids talk before the sermon.

Coffee is fresh, cookies are gone quickly, and the dress code is casual.

The music is a low-key mix of hymns and contemporary music. You might not know every song (how could anyone?), but the words will be theologically rich, and the context will be appropriate and helpful.

Liturgy: Each service begins with singing the Doxology, followed by a Call to Worship (from Scripture), singing, prayers, a kids talk, preaching, singing, the Lord’s Supper, and a benediction. Our liturgy (which just refers to the shape of our worship) follows four section, which moves us through the story of the gospel:

  1. Glory of God

  2. Gravity of sin

  3. Grandeur of grace

  4. Grace for mission

Worshiping the Living God — especially together — is one of the richest joys of life. We can’t wait to worship with you.

(Read more about our Liturgy here)