Sermon Guide: Acts 2:42, “Treasuring Christ with Our Habits,” Pt. 1
When a new treasure takes hold of our hearts, new habits must be formed. As Christians, we ought to be forming and feeding healthy habits that actively love and treasure Christ. In Acts 2 the curtain is pulled back on how the early church strove with their will to actively treasure Christ. May the Lord give us courage, strength, and determination to do the same, for the glory of Jesus and for our joy!
Sermon Guide: Acts 20:28, “Treasuring What Christ Treasures”
The Bible says that Christ Jesus is the greatest treasure imaginable. Knowing him and being found in him far surpasses the greatest treasures and pleasures of this world. Philippians 3:8–11 is our invitation to consider: is Christ our greatest treasure?
Sermon Guide: Philippians 3:8–11, “Treasuring Christ”
The Bible says that Christ Jesus is the greatest treasure imaginable. Knowing him and being found in him far surpasses the greatest treasures and pleasures of this world. Philippians 3:8–11 is our invitation to consider: is Christ our greatest treasure?
Sermon Guide: 1 Corinthians 1:4–9, “What to Expect while We Wait”
We live in a strange time, that some call the “already-not-yet.” Jesus has saved us from our sins, but we still struggle with sin — because Jesus hasn’t come back yet to renew all things and perfect his creation.
This season of waiting for Jesus to return can be bleak at times. We will suffer, we will sin, and we will even feel lonely and distant from God at times. But 1 Corinthians 1:9 reminds us that no matter what our circumstances or feelings, God is faithful!
Sermon Guide: “Jesus is the True & Better Rehoboam”
Christmas is the celebration of a new King being born into this world. Is it news, or good news? That depends on what kind of King he will be.
Every other thing or person that demands our allegiance in this life will, in the end, offer us only exhaustion, heavy burdens, and pain. But King Jesus, gentle and lowly, offers us rest for our souls. That truly is good news.
Sermon Guide: 2 Chronicles 1:7–14, “Jesus is the True & Better Solomon”
We all follow a “king” in our lives. Something will hold authority over us and will dictate how we live. If that King is Jesus, then we will begin to learn true wisdom for skillful living, and he will be faithful to us and lead us into a glorious eternity. If our king is anything less than Jesus, then we will learn false and worldly wisdom — and we will share its fate.
Welcome One Another
Chances are, there was a time when you were an outsider to the gospel. And Jesus, seeing you, his heart full of compassion and love, welcomed you. “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you.”
Empty Tomb, Full Hearts
We take our passports of repentance and look up to see Jesus stamping it, welcoming us through the custom doors of His empty tomb to the country of His resurrection life.
Lent: Palm Sunday
May we all reflect on Jesus’s humble spirit as He approached Jerusalem and praise the Lord throughout our week.
Lent: Feeling Our Feels
When we feel the depth of our emotions, good, hard, and everything in between, we just might experience this season in a whole new way.
Lent: Made Well
The ministry of Jesus was not confined to the walls of temples but extended to the dusty roads where the burdened sought refuge from their pain.
Lent: In the Wilderness
When The Nothing tempts us to retreat into the dull thoughtlessness of distraction, routine, and comfort, we may say with Jesus, “Not my will but Yours,” and count on the moment of felt absence to fill up with God’s presence.
Lent: Fasting and Homesickness (Devotional)
We are not satisfied with a world without Him as King. Hunger reminds us of our hunger for Him to return and make all things right. Only then will we find true and lasting comfort.
An Introduction to Lent (Devotional)
The Bible has given us two examples of fasting for 40 days that mirror each other and inform how we, as believers, can approach a 40-day fast. The first is in Exodus 34:28…
Live (Very) Long and Prosper
As humanity is exiled from the garden and moves further East away from the epicenter of God’s blessing and life, their lifespans diminish. What can we learn about God from this?
Missions Update: Scott Thomas
Church Planting Partners is a non-profit ministry partnering in the gospel for healthy church planting and healthy servant leaders.
Missions Update: United Kingdom
Fewer than 3% of the UK’s population are born-again Christians. It went from a cradle of the Reformation and home to many revivals to being classified as an “unreached people group” by missiologists.
Joy of Every Longing Heart
Beholding the beauty of who He is now and anticipating what it will be like to be with Him in the future wells up hope for the secure future He offers and brings unexplainable joy to our hearts as we await His second Advent.