Sermon Guides
Summaries, outlines, and discussion questions for recent Christ Church sermons. Feel free to use these for personal study or small group discussion!
When a new treasure takes hold of our hearts, new habits must be formed. As Christians, we ought to be forming and feeding healthy habits that actively love and treasure Christ. Regularly gathering together and regularly eating together are two of those Christ-treasuring habits. I pray this message helps us take the next step in both of those areas!
When a new treasure takes hold of our hearts, new habits must be formed. As Christians, we ought to be forming and feeding healthy habits that actively love and treasure Christ. In Acts 2 the curtain is pulled back on how the early church strove with their will to actively treasure Christ. May the Lord give us courage, strength, and determination to do the same, for the glory of Jesus and for our joy!
The Bible says that Christ Jesus is the greatest treasure imaginable. Knowing him and being found in him far surpasses the greatest treasures and pleasures of this world. Philippians 3:8–11 is our invitation to consider: is Christ our greatest treasure?