Sermon Guides
Summaries, outlines, and discussion questions for recent Christ Church sermons. Feel free to use these for personal study or small group discussion!
Jesus is the true vine, the Father is the vinedresser, and we are the branches. Our Lord uses this illustration to teach us the importance of abiding in his love, so that God may be most glorified through our lives, and that our joy might be full!
While coming with a caution to those who do not remain connected to the Vine, it is a passage full of gospel-comfort. Jesus is teaching us to draw on him and his inexhaustible resources for all our needs, instead of relying on our own resources, or on the world’s techniques.
Jesus is not physically present on earth at this time, but he is really, truly with us by his Holy Spirit, who he sent to dwell in all who love and trust him. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives is our sweetest comfort on this side of the resurrection. He gives us love, produces obedience, he advocates for us, and declares to us the peace that Jesus has with the Father. Praise God for his gift of the Holy Spirit!
The search for meaning and purpose in life is universal, and we can think of it as a search for “Home.” We were designed and created to be at home with God, and we’ll be restless until we rest in him.
In John 14, Jesus comforts his troubled disciples with the truth that he is preparing the way for them to come home, and for home to come to them. Today, we can take comfort in that same reality — that God makes his home with us as we believe in Jesus and are filled with his Spirit. And one day, that home will be fully realized and manifested when Jesus comes again. For that comfort to take hold of our hearts, we must understand that Jesus has flung wide open the door — and that he is the only way.