Thank you for prayerfully considering a partnership with Christ Church.
We’re treasuring and sharing Christ to see many neighbors adopted into the family of God.
We're grateful for the remarkable generosity we've received from both the members of Christ Church and individuals outside our community. Your partnership and generosity can help us overcome many of the challenges in these early years of church planting and continue our mission of discipleship and worship. You can play a significant role in helping us deepen our connection to our community and spread the good news of Jesus. Thank you for your support!
Progress toward Funding Goal: 88%
Can we send you our monthly newsletter for prayer and encouragement?
We send out a monthly newsletter to friends, family, and partners. The goal is to encourage each other in the Lord by sharing a word from Scripture and what God is doing in our midst. We’d love to include you!
Let’s put a meeting on the calendar.
We would love to talk with you more about what the Lord is doing at Christ Church, and what are specific needs, hopes, and prayers are.
What’s happening at Christ Church?
Approximately 120 in weekly attendance
Eleven baptisms in the last six months
23+ volunteers make Sunday mornings happen — being a portable church means “all hands on deck!”
We have many regular midweek gatherings, including three Community Groups (living rooms), nine men’s/women’s Discipleship Groups (coffee shops), and one Education Group studying systematic theology (zoom).
With about 50 kids under the age of 12 at Christ Church, we have a flourishing kids ministry for 0–Kindergarten during the Sunday service, and kids ages 4+ are involved in the worship service
Our 4th grade+ kids gather on Sunday mornings before the service for Youth Community Group, and the “Jr Youth” are planning some ministry hangouts.
After rolling out church membership in 2023, we now have 66 adult members with several more in the pipeline.
Christ Church currently partners with Winchburgh Community Church in Scotland, Rahab House, Redeeming Hope in Clarksville, TN, and New England Urban Church Planting.
We have discipled and installed four Elders and four Deacons in the last 18 months.
A six-month Pastoral Residency Program was developed and successfully implemented.
A six-month Preaching Cohort developed three lay preachers to participate in the Sunday ministry.
New Discipleship Group leaders are trained semi-annually to disciple and lead small, gendered groups through ten-week intensives.
Supporting trafficking survivors
Supporting local elementary school with funds, mentorship, volunteering, tutoring, and more
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”
Sign up for the newsletter to hear more about how the Lord is building at Christ Church.
Where is the funding being allocated?
As we grow numerically, our internal funding grows as well. But to get us over the hill to where we can continue to grow into 2024 and beyond, we’re raising a total of $205,370. By God’s grace and the generosity of his people, we are 46.8% of the way there!
Lead Pastor (full-time)
Assistant Pastor (full-time, on the payroll in 2024)
Music Director (part-time)
Bookkeeping, cleaning (very part-time)
We currently rent a local church building at a very reasonable rate
We are saving for a future, long-term home for the church
Subscriptions, licenses, fees (CCLI, Planning Center, Quickbooks, etc.)
Church Planting & Missions:
5% of our internal income goes back into Acts29
Another 5% goes to church plants and missionaries
Additional money raised from within the church goes to support local ministries of mercy and justice
Hospitality & Outreach:
We strive to make Sunday mornings a welcoming experience, with coffee and tea.
Weekly Lord’s Supper
Some money is set aside annually for outreach events to love and reach the community
Money is set aside ($5k this year) to support the financial needs within the church, or to allow church members to help meet the needs of friends, family, and coworkers in the wider community.
Discipleship Ministries:
Pastoral discipleship — the pastors spend time taking people to coffee, may buy a book for someone wrestling with a topic, and may spend some of the discretionary funds on continuing education (formally or informally).
Women’s discipleship — our Womens Ministry Director is given a budget to spend on training women who are gifted in teaching, and on other aspects of discipleship
Kids discipleship — our Kids Ministry team is given a budget to bless the many children in the church. From board books in the nursery, to snacks in the kindergarten room, to bowling outings with the Jr. Youth.
Set up a Zoom meeting with Pastor Jon to learn more, or ask specific questions about the numbers and allocations.

Thank you for your time!
Or checks can be made out to Christ Church TN and mailed to
1329 Cheshire Dr., Nashville, TN, 37207.