Pastor Jon Pastor Jon

Sermon Guide: John 14:1-7, “Jesus is the Way”

The search for meaning and purpose in life is universal, and we can think of it as a search for “Home.” We were designed and created to be at home with God, and we’ll be restless until we rest in him.

In John 14, Jesus comforts his troubled disciples with the truth that he is preparing the way for them to come home, and for home to come to them. Today, we can take comfort in that same reality — that God makes his home with us as we believe in Jesus and are filled with his Spirit. And one day, that home will be fully realized and manifested when Jesus comes again. For that comfort to take hold of our hearts, we must understand that Jesus has flung wide open the door — and that he is the only way.

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: Matthew 13:51–52, “Sharing the Treasure of Christ”

The treasure of Christ is the only treasure that grows and sweetens as we share it. When we tell people the good news of Jesus, we’re enriched, not diminished!

But evangelism can be daunting. It is my prayer that from Matthew 13 and 2 Corinthians 4 the Lord will grant us all courage to joyfully share Christ with those in our lives, so that we might see many neighbors adopted into the family of God!

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: Acts 2:42, “Treasuring Christ with Our Habits,” Pt. 2

When a new treasure takes hold of our hearts, new habits must be formed. As Christians, we ought to be forming and feeding healthy habits that actively love and treasure Christ. Regularly gathering together and regularly eating together are two of those Christ-treasuring habits. I pray this message helps us take the next step in both of those areas!

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: Acts 2:42, “Treasuring Christ with Our Habits,” Pt. 1

When a new treasure takes hold of our hearts, new habits must be formed. As Christians, we ought to be forming and feeding healthy habits that actively love and treasure Christ. In Acts 2 the curtain is pulled back on how the early church strove with their will to actively treasure Christ. May the Lord give us courage, strength, and determination to do the same, for the glory of Jesus and for our joy!

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: Philippians 3:8–11, “Treasuring Christ”

The Bible says that Christ Jesus is the greatest treasure imaginable. Knowing him and being found in him far surpasses the greatest treasures and pleasures of this world. Philippians 3:8–11 is our invitation to consider: is Christ our greatest treasure?

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: 1 Corinthians 1:4–9, “What to Expect while We Wait”

We live in a strange time, that some call the “already-not-yet.” Jesus has saved us from our sins, but we still struggle with sin — because Jesus hasn’t come back yet to renew all things and perfect his creation.

This season of waiting for Jesus to return can be bleak at times. We will suffer, we will sin, and we will even feel lonely and distant from God at times. But 1 Corinthians 1:9 reminds us that no matter what our circumstances or feelings, God is faithful!

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: “Jesus is the True & Better Rehoboam”

Christmas is the celebration of a new King being born into this world. Is it news, or good news? That depends on what kind of King he will be.

Every other thing or person that demands our allegiance in this life will, in the end, offer us only exhaustion, heavy burdens, and pain. But King Jesus, gentle and lowly, offers us rest for our souls. That truly is good news.

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Jon Watson Jon Watson

Sermon Guide: 2 Chronicles 1:7–14, “Jesus is the True & Better Solomon”

We all follow a “king” in our lives. Something will hold authority over us and will dictate how we live. If that King is Jesus, then we will begin to learn true wisdom for skillful living, and he will be faithful to us and lead us into a glorious eternity. If our king is anything less than Jesus, then we will learn false and worldly wisdom — and we will share its fate.

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