Jesus is Contagiously Holy
To be unclean didn’t mean that you’ve done something wrong; it meant that something was wrong with the whole world. Becoming unclean happens when you rub shoulders with death in some way, and death is the first unwelcome invader in this good world God’s made.
The Mending of All Things
Patience. It’s not the answer we want when we’re suffering. But it’s the wise answer; the answer we need.
Your Future is Tethered to Christ’s Life
Imagine sin like a tree. This tree can only bear one kind of fruit: death. We can’t cultivate this Sin Tree and expect peaches or apples. But if sin is like a tree, so is Jesus.
(Only) Jesus Can Satisfy
Everything in this world will hurt you if you have too much of it — even water and vegetables. Jesus Christ is the one thing that you can be insatiable for, and you can never have too much of him.
The Body of Christ
Only in Christ’s body do we get both deeply united into one organization (or “organism”) and maintain a strong individuality. As a part of Christ’s body, “you” don’t disappear into a homogeneous blur. “You” both become more truly “you” and more truly are made into the image of Jesus.
Praying with Epaphras
Epaphras was “a faithful minister.” That’s about all we know of Epaphras, with one exception. The only other personal thing we learn about this faithful minister of Christ is what his prayer life was like.
Local Church Membership
Through local church membership we share a covenant commitment with each other, under the care of this church’s leadership, for the flourishing of the body and the glory of God.
Genesis: Be Fruitful and Multiply
Follow along with our series in Genesis titled, “Be Fruitful & Multiply.”
Liturgy: Shaped by Shaped Worship
Liturgy is shaped worship — careful, ordered, structured — because we understand that worship shapes us.